Le web Magazine des Smithsonian Museum de Washington et New York pblie un article annonçant ma prochaine exposition dans le château de Belcastel
en hommage au grand architecte français, Mr Fernand Pouillon, (ancien propriétaire et restaurateur du château)
Organisé par Mme Heidi Leigh, Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres, 
actuelle propriétaire et présidente de l’association  Fernand Pouillon Héritage.
du 3 Avril au 9 Novembre 2020
Denis Augé describes himself as a “stone charmer,” and with one look at his creations, it’s easy to see why. Augé has dedicated his career to the art of masonry, taking stones and assembling them into large-scale structures in which he purposely leaves behind empty spaces in each piece to allow the transference of light, creating a juxtaposition of light and dark that changes depending on the location of the sun. For his latest exhibition, the self-taught French artist has created five pieces that will be unveiled at Château de Belcastel on June 25 that explore « the relationship between architectural forms and bold contemporary vision.”